NEW MOON RITUALS: Did you know that the new moon is a perfect time to get your intentions together?
Yes! When we have a solid plan, we can go towards our goals with gusto! Here are some of the rituals I do each new moon:
Create a crystal grid
Set 10 intentions for the coming month
Cleanse and purify your space
Bless your front door with Palo or Sage
Take action steps towards your goals
Let's do this! ....
🌺Lotus Living: the art of creating a life that supports you, in body, mind & spirit. This post is for inspiration purposes only. Always check with your doctor prior to commencing any new diets or trends. ...
*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician and do not claim that any lifestyle ideas or theories presented in this video guarantee the curing of any physical, emotional or spiritual ailments. Anything expressed are personal opinions and should be taken for personal reflection purposes only.