Spiritual Lifestyle Leader | Intuitive | Conscious Creator | Health Passionista
Montreal, QC | 579-490-0214
After a career in hospitality and event management, in 2001 Dr. Joanna McDonald decided to merge into the field of natural health, receiving her Registered Massage Therapy diploma from Heritage College in Ottawa, Ontario.
From there, Joanna has studied numerous modalities and completed many courses to further expand her business. Joanna is a talented Reiki Master/teacher, intuitive, spiritual mentor and natural health specialist.
She is an alumni of the University of Metaphysical Sciences, having completed her doctoral degree in Metaphysics in 2024.
Gifted with "the sight" from an early age, Joanna has a keen eye on the invisible world and an amazing sense of intuition; she specializes in intuitive development, balanced lifestyle creation, and natural communion for better living.
With a background in natural energy, anatomy, physiology, psychology, kinesiology and Reiki, she is adept at picking up the subtle cues from the body's incredible wisdom and motivating her clients towards creating lifestyles that supports their unique needs.
Working in concert with other health professionals & Mother Nature, her aim is to assist people to achieve lasting well-being through emotional support, healthy diets, spiritual harmony and balanced lifestyle choices.
A consultant since 2010, she practices in Montreal, Quebec & surrounding areas.
Besides a consultant, she has developed her own natural line of Spiritual products & gifts as well as a kindness initiative where donations are made each year to support children's charities across Canada.
Joanna actively lectures, speaks and advocates for social & spiritual change in a wide variety of forums and conferences.