MAKING SPACE: One of the key elements to manifesting anything is to make room for it.
Time and time again, my clients tell me the same thing when using the law of attraction: "But I'm doing everything right, and xyz isn't showing up! I don't get it..." And I always ask them, "Have you made space for it?" This is a crucial step whether you want to bring in a new partner, find abundance, develop confidence, or boost your health.
Here's what you can do:
ROMANCE: make ample room in your home for your new intended partner; clear out some of your closet and/or drawers for their things
#ABUNDANCE: set up your financial plan; start a savings account, budget your income
CONFIDENCE: leave post-it notes around your space with positive #mantras
HEALTH: place your exercise routine, your meal planning, and your gym visits into your calendar like a regular meeting.
You must hold yourself #intentionally accountable for your progress and get busy planning as if it's already here! That's how it works. Let's go!
🌺Lotus Living: the art of creating a life that supports you, in body, mind & spirit. This post is for inspiration purposes only. Always check with your doctor prior to commencing any new diets or trends. ...
*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician and do not claim that any lifestyle ideas or theories presented in this video guarantee the curing of any physical, emotional or spiritual ailments. Anything expressed are personal opinions and should be taken for personal reflection purposes only.