So in case you weren't aware, we have a summer solstice coming up here in the Northern Hemisphere on June 21st.
This means that it's celebration time!!! It's the longest day of the year, a return of the light, a prayer for a fruitful harvest and in general, good times. Here's what I do at this time to honour my Spirit, Mother Earth and my community:
I set clear intentions for the coming season. I get frank with my goals and where I'm headed and plan out a timeline for desired results.
I open up all my windows to air out my space and refresh my home with new energy.
I light some incense, Palo Santo or sage to purify and release what's no longer needed.
I say a prayer of gratitude for my blessings.
I spend quality time with the trees and Mother Earth, reconnecting and restoring my body after a long winter indoors.
I place my bare feet on the grass and walk for 30 minutes daily to recharge
I invite friends over to celebrate with a potluck meal and feast on goodness.
I place my crystals outdoors to breathe and recharge.
I dance!
I chant, hum and repeat mantras, activating my vibration to rise, rise, rise!

🌺Lotus Living: the art of creating a life that supports you, in body, mind & spirit. This post is for inspiration purposes only. Always check with your doctor prior to commencing any new diets or trends. ...
 *Disclaimer: I am not a licensed physician and do not claim that any lifestyle ideas or theories presented in this video guarantee the curing of any physical, emotional or spiritual ailments. Anything expressed are personal opinions and should be taken for personal reflection purposes only.